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Subject: The Investor’s guide in Russia | Справочник инвестора в России.

Association of Industrial Parks in cooperation with the international engineering company Tebodin and audit and consulting firm KPMG prepared and published a new edition - Investors Guide for localization of production in Russia.
In the preparatory work, the publication was supported and provided with materials by Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Industrial Development Fund, Development Fund of single-industry cities, Sberbank of Russia, SME Bank, the Management Company WORLD.
The Guide was published upon an initiative of the Association of industrial parks (AIP), non-profit organization that brings together the industrial parks in Russia and industrial companies (investors, experts, engineering and management companies).
The list of the AIP members includes more than 110 entities, representing 75 industrial parks in 45 regions of the Russian Federation.
The Tebodin’s contribution to the development of the guide is reflected in technical part of all project execution stages, including feasibility-study and preliminary technical evaluation, stage of project solution development, permitting, procurement and construction.
In conclusion, there is a comparison of the pros and cons of project execution in industrial parks and ‘in the field’ (outside of industrial parks). The engaged funds, government as well as banks prepared financial part, including government program for project support, banking products and methods of localization for investors.
15 March 2016 the Investor’s Guide was introduced to 150 participants during AIP workshop for industrial parks and companies managed with industrial parks. Tebodin presented a topic on project execution in Russia, covering permitting case studies.
The printed version is published in Russian and English in an edition of 1,200 copies and distributed among the members of the AIP and partners of Tebodin and KPMG. Later, by autumn 2017 the Investors Guide is planned to be published in German, as well as cut version in Japanese. The material will be distributed among investment community in Europe and Asia.
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